
Genealogy of boss

You will always find that the boss is present,
 if you look at the herd of monkeys.

Monkey can not
be active
if there are no boss.

Political groups  "political parties" is similar to
the herd of monkeys. And big points on choosing a monkey boss
is a pedigree and brute strength.
If their physical strength is replaced by the political dynamics,
it is the funds collected force, networks of contacts
and pedigree (hereditary politics).

Genealogy of boss (monkeys)

He is very famous boss.

He had to lead
the flock
for many years
in the long-lived.

He is also a very famous boss.

He is the son-in-law
of the daughter
of the boss.
He lead the flock
in the same way
as the boss.
However he fell ill
in the middle
of the road.

He is also a famous boss.

He is the son of
the boss.
As it were watching
his speech
and his actions,
any questions
can be found plentifully
in his competence.

Boss of genealogy,
selection is not that it was only in the world of monkeys.
It is to exist in the world of
pigs and eagle.